Why Use Up Food?

Save Money

Turn what you have into delicious meals and avoid unnecessary grocery trips. In the EU, over 59 million tonnes of food waste (132 kg per inhabitant) are generated annually (Eurostat, 2024), with an associated market value estimated at 132 billion euros (SWD (2023)421). This translates to an average cost of €295 per person per year. In the UK, food waste costs an average of £269.50 per person annually (WRAP, 2021). In Norway, the average is NOK 4,000 per person (NORSUS), and in the US, it amounts to $351 per person (USDA).

Use Up Food helps you minimise waste, save money, and make the most of what you already have. Together, we can transform the way we cook and reduce waste worldwide.

Reduce Waste

Always throwing food away? Don’t know what to do with boring leftovers? Use Up Food helps you get creative with your leftovers, turning them into interesting and delicious dishes. Love your leftovers and make every item in your pantry count.

Explore Global Flavours

Cook dishes from around the world, customised to your preferences and ingredients.

Quick and Convenient

Recipes are generated in seconds, saving you time and effort.

Personalised for You

Dietary preferences, allergies, and intolerances are always respected.

Exclusively Yours

Every recipe you create is uniquely crafted from your ingredients, preferences, and dietary needs. No two recipes—or images—are ever the same, ensuring that every dish is personal and one of a kind. Use Up Food is suitable for all levels of ability—it can create simple meals but always with a twist: a touch of uniqueness and interest that makes for a tasty new way to look at food. Your recipes will inspire others in the community to try, rate, and even enhance your creations.

Eco-Friendly Cooking

Every recipe helps you reduce your environmental footprint by minimising food waste.


Adjust serving sizes and difficulty levels to suit your household needs.